The Delhi High Court has directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to take over the probe into the deaths of three IAS aspirants in Old Rajinder Nagar. The court’s decision follows widespread public concern and criticism of the initial investigation conducted by local authorities.
The deceased, identified as Rohit Kumar (24), Sneha Sharma (23), and Vikram Mehta (25), were found dead in their rented accommodation in Old Rajinder Nagar, a locality known for its coaching centres and student hostels. The aspirants, all preparing for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams, were discovered by a neighbour who reported an unusual smell emanating from their apartment.
Preliminary investigations by the local police suggested that the trio might have died due to carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty gas appliance. However, inconsistencies in the initial reports and pressure from the families of the deceased led to calls for a more comprehensive investigation.
The families of the victims expressed dissatisfaction with the local police’s handling of the case, citing a lack of transparency and thoroughness. “We need answers. We need justice for our children,” said Priya Mehta, Vikram Mehta’s mother, during a press conference last week. The families’ demand for a CBI probe gained significant support on social media, with many users questioning the safety measures in student accommodations in the area.
In a detailed order, the Delhi High Court noted the gravity of the situation and the need for an impartial investigation. “Given the circumstances and the concerns raised by the families, it is imperative that a specialized agency like the CBI takes over the investigation to ensure a fair and transparent probe,” the court stated.
The CBI has been directed to file a status report within the next six weeks. This development is expected to bring some relief to the bereaved families, who have been waiting for concrete answers about the circumstances leading to the tragic deaths of their loved ones.
As the CBI begins its investigation, authorities have also been urged to review and enhance safety regulations in student accommodations across the city to prevent such incidents in the future.