In response to a recent bus accident in Haryana involving a drunk driver, the state’s Education Minister has announced stringent measures aimed at ensuring the safety of students during school transportation. The move comes as a proactive step to prevent such tragic incidents in the future and underscores the government’s commitment to road safety.
The decision was prompted by a recent incident in which a school bus driver, under the influence of alcohol, was involved in a serious accident. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the incident served as a wake-up call for authorities to address the issue of drunk driving among school bus drivers.
He has declared that schools in Haryana will now be held accountable if their bus drivers are found to be driving under the influence of alcohol. This new measure aims to place responsibility on schools to ensure that their transportation staff adhere to strict safety protocols, including zero-tolerance for alcohol consumption while on duty.
Under the new policy, schools will be required to conduct regular checks on their drivers to ensure compliance with the rule against drunk driving. Additionally, schools will be mandated to provide comprehensive training to their transportation staff on the importance of road safety and the dangers of driving under the influence.
The Education Minister emphasized that the safety and well-being of students are of paramount importance and that the government is committed to taking all necessary steps to protect them. By holding schools accountable for the actions of their drivers, the government aims to create a culture of responsibility and accountability in the transportation sector.
Furthermore, the Minister urged schools to prioritize the safety of their students by implementing strict guidelines for the hiring and supervision of bus drivers. Schools found to be negligent in ensuring the sobriety of their drivers will face strict penalties, including possible suspension or revocation of their operating licenses.
The announcement of these measures comes amidst growing concerns over road safety in Haryana and across the country. Incidents of drunk driving and road accidents involving school buses have raised alarm bells, prompting authorities to take decisive action to prevent further tragedies.
In light of recent events, the Education Minister’s proactive approach to addressing the issue of drunk driving among school bus drivers is a step in the right direction. By holding schools accountable and implementing strict safety measures, the government aims to ensure that students can travel to and from school safely, without being exposed to unnecessary risks on the road.