In anticipation of the Bharat Bandh scheduled for Friday, authorities in Noida have imposed Section 144 in the city as a precautionary measure. With protests expected to intensify across the nation, the administration has taken steps to maintain law and order, ensuring the safety of citizens and preventing any untoward incidents.
Section 144 of the CrPC (Code of Criminal Procedure) prohibits the assembly of four or more people in an area. Its imposition aims to prevent gatherings that could disrupt public peace and tranquillity. The decision to enforce Section 144 underscores the authorities’ commitment to maintaining order during the Bharat Bandh.
As part of the restrictions, the Noida administration has issued a traffic advisory to manage vehicular movement effectively. Commuters are advised to plan their journeys accordingly, considering the possibility of disruptions due to the protests. Additionally, essential services such as hospitals, pharmacies, and emergency responders have been instructed to remain operational to mitigate any inconvenience to the public.
The Bharat Bandh, called by various farmers’ unions and supported by several opposition parties, is expected to witness demonstrations and road blockades across the country. The protesters are demanding the repeal of contentious agricultural laws and seeking guaranteed minimum support prices (MSP) for crops. The nationwide strike is seen as a show of strength by the agitating groups against the government’s policies.
In Noida, the police have been deployed in significant numbers to ensure the enforcement of Section 144 and to maintain order during the bandh. Authorities have urged citizens to cooperate with law enforcement agencies and refrain from engaging in activities that could disrupt public peace.
The imposition of Section 144 and the issuance of a traffic advisory highlight the preparedness of the administration to deal with any potential challenges arising from the Bharat Bandh. While the right to peaceful protest is recognized, authorities are determined to uphold law and order and safeguard the interests of the general public.