The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has sealed five more basements of coaching centres in Old Rajinder Nagar in a continuing crackdown following the tragic deaths of IAS aspirants associated with the Delhi Rau’s coaching centre. The recent enforcement actions come amid growing concerns over safety standards and illegal operations in the area, known for its high concentration of educational institutions catering to competitive exam preparations.
The MCD’s latest move is part of an intensified effort to address the numerous safety violations reported in these makeshift educational establishments. The sealed basements were found to be operating without the necessary permissions and lacked basic safety measures, posing significant risks to students.
“Ensuring the safety and well-being of students is our top priority,” said an MCD official. “These coaching centres were operating in violation of multiple regulations, and we are committed to taking strict actions against all such unauthorized operations.”
The issue came into sharp focus after the deaths of several IAS aspirants, which sparked outrage and demands for stricter enforcement of building and safety codes. Families of the victims and concerned citizens have called for immediate action to prevent further tragedies.
Residents of Old Rajinder Nagar have long complained about the proliferation of coaching centres in residential areas, citing issues such as overcrowding, inadequate infrastructure, and disruption of community life. The recent incidents have added urgency to their calls for regulation.
“We have been raising our concerns for years, but it took a tragedy of this scale for the authorities to act,” said a local resident. “We hope this crackdown leads to a safer environment for everyone.”
The MCD has assured continuous monitoring and further actions if necessary. Coaching centres found violating norms will face stringent penalties, including permanent closure.
As the investigation into the recent deaths continues, the educational community in Delhi is left grappling with the implications. Stakeholders are calling for a comprehensive review of the regulations governing coaching centres to ensure student safety and quality education.