Heavy rainfall has wreaked havoc across Himachal Pradesh, prompting the India Meteorological Department (IMD) to issue a yellow alert for 10 districts in the state. The affected districts include Shimla, Kullu, Mandi, Solan, and Kangra, where persistent downpours have led to widespread flooding, landslides, and road blockages.
The state has been grappling with incessant rain since the weekend, with several rivers and streams flowing above the danger mark. In some areas, flash floods have inundated homes, while landslides have disrupted transport and communication links, leaving several communities cut off from essential services.
Authorities have urged residents in vulnerable areas to remain indoors and avoid travel unless absolutely necessary. The state’s disaster management teams are on high alert, with rescue and relief operations underway in the most affected regions.
The IMD has predicted that the heavy rainfall will continue over the next few days, particularly in the districts under the yellow alert. The department has advised people to stay vigilant and follow updates from local authorities.
The continuous rain has also raised concerns about the potential for further landslides, particularly in hilly regions already prone to such incidents. Officials have been working to clear debris from roads and restore connectivity to isolated villages, but the ongoing weather conditions have hampered these efforts.
Schools in several districts have been closed as a precautionary measure, and tourists have been advised to postpone their travel plans to the region until the weather stabilizes.
Himachal Pradesh is no stranger to monsoon-related challenges, but the intensity of this year’s rainfall has put additional strain on the state’s infrastructure and emergency services. The state government has assured that all necessary measures are being taken to protect lives and property, but they have also urged citizens to cooperate and adhere to safety guidelines.
As the monsoon season progresses, authorities continue to monitor the situation closely and are prepared to issue further warnings if the weather conditions deteriorate further.