Ganesh Jayanti, also known as Magha Shukla Chaturthi, is a significant Hindu festival that celebrates the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesha, the beloved deity of wisdom and the remover of obstacles. This auspicious occasion falls on the fourth day of the Shukla Paksha in the Hindu month of Magh. It holds great importance for devotees who seek blessings for prosperity, success, and the removal of obstacles in their lives.
Ganesh Jayanti 2025: Date and muhurat
This year, Ganesh Jayanti will be observed on Saturday, February 1, 2025. According to the Drik Panchnag, the auspicious timings for the Ganesh puja are as follows:
- Madhyahna Ganesha puja muhurat: 11:38 AM to 1:40 PM
- Duration: 2 hours 02 minutes
- Time to avoid moon sighting: 09:02 AM to 09:07 PM
- Chaturthi tithi begins: at 11:38 AM on February 1, 2025
- Chaturthi tithi ends: at 09:14 AM on February 2, 2025
Ganesh Jayanti 2025: Significance
Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, is widely revered as the god of beginnings, wisdom, and knowledge. Ganesh Jayanti serves as a moment for introspection and spiritual reflection. Devotees engage in prayers and rituals to seek divine guidance and blessings from Lord Ganesha. The festival symbolizes the start of new ventures and the pursuit of enlightenment, making it an important occasion for individuals embarking on new journeys or projects.
Ganesh Jayanti 2025: Puja rituals
Devotees typically begin the day early by cleaning their homes and taking a holy bath. Afterwards, they change into fresh clothes and prepare for the worship of Lord Ganesha. An idol or picture of Lord Ganesha is placed in a prominent location to symbolize His presence during the puja.
The ritual involves applying powdered sindoor and turmeric to the idol, while cow dung is offered as a sacred offering. A special meal called “Til” is prepared and presented to Lord Ganesha. This meal is then shared among the devotees as a gesture of gratitude and community bonding. Many individuals choose to observe a fast throughout the day, focusing on prayer and devotion.
As the festival approaches, preparations and celebrations take place across the country, with devotees gathering to honour Lord Ganesha. The air is filled with excitement and reverence, making Ganesh Jayanti a cherished occasion for millions of Hindus around the world.
In summary, Ganesh Jayanti is a time for celebration, reflection, and spiritual growth. As devotees prepare to honour Lord Ganesha on February 1, they look forward to the blessings of wisdom, prosperity, and success in their lives. With rituals steeped in tradition and significance, this festival serves as a reminder of the importance of devotion and the pursuit of knowledge in overcoming life’s obstacles.