In Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a 20-year-old woman was gang-raped by an auto-rickshaw driver and his friend under the pretext of securing her a job. The incident took place on Friday in the Maharajpur police station area. The police have arrested the two suspects, identified as Deepak Kushwaha and his friend Suraj Kushwaha, after the victim reported her ordeal.
According to police reports, Deepak Kushwaha, 21, had contacted the victim a few days prior, luring her with a job offer. The victim, who hails from Unnao district, traveled to Chakeri to meet the accused. After picking her up, the duo kept her in their auto-rickshaw for a considerable time before taking her to a secluded forest area, where they allegedly raped her.
The victim managed to escape from her captors and returned home, where she bravely recounted her harrowing experience to her family. Following her report, she filed a complaint with the Maharajpur police on Thursday. The police swiftly acted on her complaint, arresting Deepak and Suraj, who have reportedly confessed to the crime.
East Zone Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Manoj Kumar Pandey stated that the arrested individuals would be presented before the court on Saturday.
This distressing incident underscores the ongoing issues of safety and trust for women seeking employment opportunities. As the investigation unfolds, authorities are reminded of the critical need for stringent measures to protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation.