A special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court in Bengaluru has sentenced Zahidul Islam, alias Kausar, a Bangladeshi national linked to the Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh India (JMBI), to seven years of rigorous imprisonment. The court found him guilty of conspiracy, raising funds for terrorism, dacoity, and procuring ammunition, imposing a fine of ₹57,000 along with the sentence.
Zahidul Islam’s conviction marks a significant milestone in a case initially registered by the Bengaluru City Police in June 2019. The investigation stemmed from leads provided by the NIA’s Kolkata branch during its probe into the Burdwan blast case. The NIA later took over the investigation, unraveling a network of terrorist activities spearheaded by Zahidul and his associates.
Zahidul, previously held in Bangladeshi police custody for his involvement in the 2005 serial blasts in Bangladesh, had escaped in 2014 alongside JMB chief Salahuddin Salehin. Illegally entering India the same year, Zahidul was implicated in the 2014 Burdwan blast, a significant act of terror in the region.
After fleeing to Bengaluru following the Burdwan incident, Zahidul orchestrated anti-India activities and recruited Muslim youth from West Bengal and Assam to support JMB operations. He was also involved in the January 2018 Bodh Gaya blast targeting Buddhist pilgrims, further highlighting his role in terrorist activities.
The NIA investigation revealed that Zahidul and his associates funded JMB operations through a series of robberies in Bengaluru in 2018. The stolen funds were utilized to procure ammunition, establish hideouts, and train operatives. These activities underscored JMB’s intent to destabilize the region and promote its extremist ideology.
Formed in 1998, JMB has been banned in multiple countries, including India, Bangladesh, and the UK, for its extremist activities and aspirations to establish an Islamic state under Sharia law. Zahidul’s conviction is a significant step in dismantling the operations of this banned terrorist outfit in India.