Netflix’s psychological drama Adolescence has quickly become one of the most talked-about series of 2025, captivating audiences with its gripping storyline surrounding accused teen murderer Jamie Miller. But beyond its chilling narrative, the show serves as a mirror reflecting the deep-seated societal beliefs and psychological struggles that shape adolescents.
Mental health expert Divija Bhasin, a certified therapist known for her insights on well-being, recently shared her thoughts on the series. In a social media post on March 25, she analyzed key themes from Adolescence, sparking important conversations on parenting, social conditioning, and harmful ideologies.
1. Social media isn’t the only problem
Bhasin challenges the common belief that social media is solely responsible for shaping teenagers’ behaviors. “Many people think Jamie became a murderer because of social media, but that’s not the full picture. The real issue is the toxic ideas ingrained in society—beliefs passed down by parents, teachers, and friends,” she explains. She highlights dangerous mindsets, such as normalizing aggression in boys or shaming girls for their choices. “Banning social media won’t help if these harmful ideologies continue to thrive in real life.”
2. Beliefs shape behavior
According to Bhasin, deep-seated societal norms contribute to harmful actions. She points out that when people believe a girl wearing a crop top is “asking for it,” they are fostering dangerous mindsets. “These thoughts don’t emerge from social media alone but are embedded in the way we are raised. Adolescents are not just influenced by online content; they absorb the cultural messages surrounding them.”
3. Parenting is about leading by example
One of the show’s most compelling aspects is its portrayal of generational trauma. Bhasin explains that parenting is not just about teaching values but embodying them. “Children don’t just learn from what we tell them; they learn from what they see us do.”
She refers to a pivotal moment in Adolescence where Jamie denies his father’s violent tendencies, reflecting his parents’ own refusal to acknowledge them. “That’s how generational trauma is passed down—by refusing to recognize the problem,” she says. The show illustrates how societal expectations shape parenting, reinforcing outdated gender roles. “Jamie’s mother constantly puts aside her own feelings to validate her husband, excusing his actions. Jamie then expects the psychologist to do the same for him.”
Bhasin warns that improving parenting techniques alone won’t be enough. “We don’t just need to change how we parent—we need to change ourselves if we want to raise kind, compassionate children.”
4. It’s about control, not sex
Bhasin also challenges the assumption that male aggression is purely sexual. “It’s not about attraction; it’s about power and control.” She refers to a critical moment in the series where Jamie asks out Katie, a girl whose private pictures were leaked online. “He wasn’t interested in her—he just saw an opportunity to assert control over someone at their weakest.”
The bigger picture
Ultimately, Adolescence provides a nuanced exploration of how individual upbringing and societal conditioning interact to shape young minds. The series encourages viewers to reflect on their own beliefs, parenting styles, and the way they contribute to shaping the next generation.
Bhasin concludes, “Who we become is not just about how we’re raised or our environment—it’s about how both factors intertwine. And if we truly want to create a better future, we need to start by questioning the norms we’ve accepted for too long.”