A shocking incident unfolded at Navayug Inter College in Mihinpurwa, Uttar Pradesh’s Bahraich district, where a Class 11 student stabbed his teacher, Rajendra Prasad, for confiscating mobile phones in the classroom. The attack occurred during roll call on Thursday, leaving the teacher severely injured.
Rajendra Prasad, an English teacher, had taken several students’ phones three days prior, as using mobile devices on campus is prohibited. This disciplinary action reportedly provoked one of the students to take revenge. According to Assistant Superintendent of Police (City) Ramanand Prasad Kushwaha, “The boy attacked the teacher with a knife during attendance.”
Prasad was immediately rushed to a local hospital and later referred to the district medical college due to the severity of his injuries. From his hospital bed, the teacher revealed that three students were involved in the attack. “One arranged the knife, another attacked me, and the third assisted. I was caught off-guard,” Prasad shared.
The police have registered a case against the accused student based on a complaint from Prasad’s family. The knife used in the attack has been recovered, and officials confirmed that investigations are ongoing. Authorities have warned that additional students found complicit in the incident will face strict action.
This incident underscores growing concerns about safety and discipline in educational institutions.