Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to express his joy for rocket scientist V Narayanan being appointed as Secretary of the Department of Space and Chairman, ISRO, who belongs from the southern part of the country.
V Narayanan is a native of Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu, studied in a government school and had a humble beginning in ISRO. Narayanan is a distinguished Scientist at the ISRO and has nearly four decades of experience. He has held various key positions within the Indian space organisation.
The CM said, “One cannot but admire his enthusiasm and hard work in reaching the leadership role.”
He added, “ISRO will certainly reach new heights under Narayanan who has contributed to missions that have brought global accolades to the country—Chandrayaan2, Chandrayaan3, AdityaL1, Gaganyaan and continues to contribute in many space programmes. Narayanan’s journey will inspire many students from Tamil Nadu to become achievers.”
MK Stalin is not the only one who has congratulated V Narayanan for his appointment, PMK president Dr Anbumani Ramadoss and AMMK leader TTV Dhinakaran have also lauded Narayanan over his elevation.