Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut launched a sharp attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Uttar Pradesh government on Thursday, holding them responsible for the chaotic management of the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj. His remarks come in the wake of a tragic stampede that claimed at least 30 lives and left over 60 injured on Wednesday.
Raut alleged that despite knowing the scale of the religious gathering, authorities failed to ensure proper arrangements. He criticized the administration for focusing on political promotion rather than safety measures.
“This is a yog that occurs once every 144 years. The administration and the government knew there would be a massive crowd, yet they engaged in political marketing by claiming that 10 to 20 crore people would attend daily,” Raut stated.
He also raised concerns over the presence of political dignitaries at the event, arguing that their visits disrupted the crowd management efforts. “At such times, VIPs should stay away. The entire area was shut down for a day each for the Defence Minister, Home Minister, and other Central Ministers. This led to a chaotic situation,” he said.
Raut further criticized the lack of medical infrastructure at the event. “There was no system in place, no ambulances, no medical facilities. Several Mahamandaleshwars suggested handing over the arrangements to the army,” he alleged.
Government’s Response and Investigation
Following the deadly stampede, the Uttar Pradesh government has announced financial assistance of ₹25 lakh for the families of the deceased. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered a judicial inquiry into the incident and assured that a judicial committee will submit its report within a set timeframe.
Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Kumbh, Vaibhav Krishna, confirmed that at least 25 of the 30 bodies have been identified. The incident took place during the Second Shahi Snan on Mauni Amavasya, a day when millions of devotees gathered at the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers for a holy dip.
Allegations of Misuse of Funds
Raut also raised questions about the budget allocated for the Kumbh Mela. “The budget for the Kumbh Mela was ₹10,000 crore, but reports suggest less than ₹1,000 crore was spent,” he claimed.
He directly held both the central and state governments responsible for the mismanagement. “The count of injured hasn’t been done yet; many people are missing, including women. Who is responsible for this? The central government is responsible. The Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh is responsible,” he asserted.
In response to the tragedy, the UP government has enforced stricter crowd control measures, including a no-vehicle zone and a ban on VVIP passes. The decision comes after heavy criticism over the administration’s handling of the event.
The Prayagraj Kumbh Mela, one of the world’s largest religious gatherings, has now turned into a political battleground. While the government has assured action, opposition leaders like Raut continue to demand accountability, even calling for army intervention to prevent further mishaps. With public outrage growing, all eyes are now on the official inquiry and whether it will lead to meaningful changes in the management of such massive events.