In a fiery public meeting in Delhi’s Kartar Nagar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticized Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s claim that water from the Yamuna river, sent by Haryana, has been “poisoned.” Kejriwal’s accusations come ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, intensifying the political landscape.
Kejriwal alleged on social media that BJP affiliates in Haryana were contaminating the water, posing a significant health risk to Delhi residents. He stated, “If people in Delhi drink this water, many will die. The poison mixed in the water cannot even be cleaned in water treatment plants.”
Modi vehemently countered these allegations, emphasizing the absurdity of claiming that the people of Haryana would poison water that they also consume. He remarked, “Are the people of Haryana different from those in Delhi? Can they poison the water their own people drink?” Modi further emphasized the importance of water safety, stating, “Providing drinking water is considered a good deed in our country.”
The Prime Minister condemned Kejriwal’s remarks as an insult not just to Haryana but to all Indians, highlighting the interconnectedness of the regions. Modi said, “Such fear of losing that they are saying anything. I am sure Delhi will teach a lesson to those who say such things.”
This exchange illustrates the heightened tensions between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the BJP as they gear up for the electoral battle in Delhi. The Election Commission has called upon Kejriwal to provide evidence for his allegations by 8 PM, intensifying the scrutiny surrounding his claims.
As the political rhetoric heats up, both parties are set to mobilize their supporters, with Modi’s rebuttal serving as a rallying cry for the BJP while Kejriwal’s accusations seek to resonate with the electorate’s concerns about water safety and health.