The Pakistan cricket team, led by captain Babar Azam, is scheduled to face 2019 World Cup runners-up New Zealand in a warm-up match on Friday. However, spectators will not be permitted inside the stadium in Hyderabad. The decision to play the match without fans is in line with the recommendations of local security agencies, the BCCI stated in a press release on Monday.
The BCCI’s statement noted, “The match in Hyderabad coincides with festivals on the day, and large gatherings are expected around the city. For security reasons and in coordination with local authorities, it has been decided to hold the match behind closed doors.”
Fans who had purchased tickets for the match will be eligible for a full refund.
Bilateral cricket between India and Pakistan remains suspended due to the strained political relations between the neighbouring countries. As a result, the two teams only compete against each other in multi-team events.
In preparation for the World Cup, Pakistan will play another warm-up match against Australia on October 3. Their World Cup campaign will officially kick off three days later when they face the Netherlands. The Pakistani team, who received their visas on Monday after a brief delay, is set to depart for India via Dubai on Wednesday.