Arvind Kejriwal, leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), has publicly congratulated Ramesh Bidhuri, who is rumored to be the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) chief ministerial candidate for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. At a press conference held at the AAP office in New Delhi, Kejriwal issued a challenge for a public debate, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in the political arena.
Kejriwal revealed that he had received information indicating that Bidhuri’s official nomination as the BJP CM face would be announced shortly. “We are getting information that Ramesh Bidhuri’s name will be officially announced as the BJP CM face in the coming one or two days. I congratulate Ramesh Bidhuri on becoming the CM face of BJP,” he stated during the conference.
However, the AAP leader did not hold back in questioning Bidhuri’s track record as an MP. He challenged Bidhuri to clarify his contributions to the development of Delhi during his tenure, asking pointedly, “Ramesh Bidhuri should tell what he did for the development of Delhi while being an MP. What is his vision for Delhi?”
Kejriwal’s call for a public debate was made with the intent of fostering a platform for the chief ministerial candidates of both the BJP and AAP to present their visions and policies directly to the people of Delhi. He stated, “After the official announcement of his name, there should be a debate between the CM candidates of BJP and AAP in front of the people of Delhi.”
This press conference follows the BJP Central Election Committee’s (CEC) crucial meeting, which took place on Friday to finalize candidates for the Delhi assembly election scheduled for February 5. The meeting was attended by prominent leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, who discussed the remaining constituencies and candidate selections. Reports suggest that the final list of candidates from the BJP will be released imminently.
With the Delhi elections approaching, Kejriwal’s challenge adds an intriguing layer to the political landscape, as voters prepare to make crucial decisions that will shape the future of the capital.