Haryana’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Mohanlal Badoli and singer Rocky Mittal, also known as Jai Bhagwan, have been booked under charges of gangrape and criminal intimidation following a complaint by a woman. The alleged incident took place at a hotel in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, on July 3, 2023.
According to the FIR registered on December 13, the complainant claimed she was staying at the hotel with her boss and a friend when they encountered Badoli and Mittal. The duo introduced themselves, with Mittal offering the woman a role in his music album and Badoli promising a government job through his political connections.
The woman alleged that the accused forced her to consume alcohol before molesting and gangraping her. She further claimed that they recorded videos of the act and threatened to kill her if she disclosed the incident.
Two months later, the complainant stated, she was called to Mittal’s residence in Panchkula, where she was threatened with being implicated in a false case if she pursued legal action.
Based on the complaint, a case has been registered against the two under Sections 376D (gang rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The police have initiated an investigation.
BJP leader denies allegations
Haryana BJP chief Mohanlal Badoli has dismissed the allegations, labeling them as a “political conspiracy” intended to tarnish his reputation. Speaking to HT, Badoli stated, “These are baseless charges aimed at defaming me.”
Implications and investigation
The case has drawn significant attention, given Badoli’s political stature and Mittal’s public profile. Authorities have assured a thorough investigation to ensure justice is served.