Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was admitted to the hospital after being stabbed during a robbery attempt at his home five days ago. New details have emerged from the Mumbai police investigation, indicating that the security measures at Khan’s residence were severely lacking on the night of the attack. According to police reports, both security guards at the actor’s home were asleep when the assailant, a Bangladeshi national, managed to enter the premises.
The attacker, identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, also known as Vijay Das, scaled the compound wall of the actor’s residence in Mumbai’s Bandra on January 16. The police recreated the crime scene at the Satguru Sharan building, where Khan, 54, resides with his wife, actress Kareena Kapoor, and their two children, Taimur and Jeh. During the recreation, officers discovered that Fakir found both security guards sleeping: one in the guard cabin and the other near the entrance gate.
Fakir, a native of Jhalokathi district in Bangladesh, had been living in Mumbai for over five months, where he worked various odd jobs and was associated with a housekeeping agency. Authorities noted that Fakir entered the building through the main entrance, undetected, due to the absence of CCTV cameras in the corridor and near the entrance. This lack of surveillance allowed him to quietly remove his shoes and switch off his phone to minimize noise.
“Both the security guards in the building where actor Saif Ali Khan resides were sleeping when his attacker entered by crossing over the boundary wall,” a police official revealed to news agency PTI. The official elaborated that the intruder’s quiet approach contributed to his success in evading detection.
On the morning of the attack, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by Fakir, who confronted him inside his apartment. The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital at 3 AM on January 16, where he underwent a five-hour surgery to treat his injuries. During the operation, a piece of the knife was extracted from Khan’s body. After a successful recovery, he was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon.
In the days following the attack, police apprehended Fakir in Thane city, three days after the incident occurred. Police Inspector (Crime) Ajay Lingnurkar has been appointed as the investigation officer for the case. Fakir is currently in police custody at either the Bandra or Santacruz police stations, with restricted access and supervision. Reports indicate that his meals are consistent with those provided to other detainees.
As Saif Ali Khan recuperates, this incident raises significant concerns about security protocols in high-profile residences and the importance of vigilance in preventing such violent occurrences.